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In a severe weather emergency, all employees should be aware of their responsibilities and the actions they should take to protect themselves and others.
General Severe Weather Safety Practices
- If severe weather is threatening, tune in to local radio or television stations or check local weather reports online.
- If a tornado warning is issued or the weather becomes severe, seek immediate cover in the company’s pre-designated shelter area.
- If you are unable to reach the pre-designated shelter area, take cover in interior rooms with small or no windows such as restrooms, kitchens or hallways on the lowest possible floor.
- Climb under heavy furniture, such as tables and desks, if possible.
- Cover your face and head with blankets, coats, jackets, etc. to protect yourself from flying glass.
- Stay away from windows and doors and do not use the telephone.
- Be prepared to take cover when the following alerts have been issued for our area:
- Severe Thunderstorm Watch—Severe thunderstorms are possible.
- Tornado Watch—Tornadoes are possible.
- Severe Thunderstorm Warning—Severe thunderstorms are occurring.
- Take immediate cover when the following warning has been issued for our area:
- Tornado Warning—A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.
Looking for more information on staying safe? Contact The Safegard Group for additional guidance and resources.